08 September 2023 – IBFAN
Hello, dear community dedicated to child health, breastfeeding promotion, and protection! We have some exciting news to share with all of you today.
We are thrilled to announce the arrival of the official profile of the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) here on Instagram. IBFAN is an international coalition that has been working since 1979 to support and protect breastfeeding from the predatory marketing that undermines health and threatens child survival.

Our story began with the outrage of a small group of organizations and activists. Shareholder actions, media exposes, boycotts, libel trials, and investigative Hearings in the United States Senate, all led to the joint WHO/UNICEF meeting on infant and young child feeding in 1979. During this meeting, an international code to regulate the marketing of infant formulas and other breast milk substitutes was recommended. IBFAN was formed and brought together individuals, governmental and citizens organizations from around the world who share the same vision. Our goal? To improve breastfeeding rates; protect parents’ rights to make decisions free from commercial pressure; advocate for comprehensive and unbiased information and support, and reduce reliance on ultra-processed formulas for children, pregnant, and lactating women.
What started with six NGOs has evolved into a global coalition of over 200 citizen groups in more than 100 countries, making IBFAN the world’s oldest single-issue network. We are proud of our history and determined to continue making a global impact.
Many IBFAN network groups already have their official profiles on Instagram, and now, finally, we are here too! We look forward to sharing the latest news, valuable information, and our global and regional actions with you.
We thank all of you for being part of this important journey and hope to have your ongoing support on our official profile. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!