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IBFAN – International Baby Food Action Network

Press Release 2017

There has been an IBFAN team in Geneva for the WHO Executive Board Meeting. Two days have been spent in closed meetings for the shortlisting of three candidates for the post Director General of WHO.   (CLICK HERE) IBFAN’s statements on four Agenda items  (Emergencies, ending child Obesity,  NCDs and WHO governance) are on the WHO website  Read more



  • Open letter regarding the Gates Foundation application for official relations

January 26, 2017 (Geneva):  

A joint statement (signed by 36 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) was issued to members of the World Health Organization’s Executive Board (EB) at its semi-annual meeting this week in Geneva. EB members will decide on Tuesday 31st January whether to grant the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) Official Relations status with WHO.Read more