Governance Structure
IBFAN has a transparent governance structure comprising various bodies that ensure effectiveness, strategic direction, and accountability in its actions.
Governance Bodies
IBFAN Coordinating Council (IBCoCo):
The highest governing body, composed of elected representatives from regions and global programmes. It sets policies, strategic priorities, and coordinated actions, and oversees administrative and financial matters.
IBFAN Global Council (G5):
Composed of elected representatives, it follows up on IBCoCo decisions, meets periodically, and forwards minutes to IBCoCo:
Ines Fernandes
IBFAN Southeast Asia
Marina Rea
IBFAN Latin America & Caribbean
Nomajoni Ntombela
IBFAN Africa
Nupur Bidla
IBFAN South Asia
Patti Rundall
Global Advocacy – IBFAN UK
Regional Offices:
9 offices across different parts of the world, responsible for implementing local actions and programmes aligned with IBFAN’s mission and vision:
- Africa
- Afrique
- Arab World
- East Asia
- Europe
- Latin America and the Caribbean
- North America
- South Asia
- Southeast Asia
Global Programme Offices:
- Global Advocacy Office:
Hosted by the Geneva Infant Feeding Association
- Codex Alimentarius Global Programme:
Hosted by Infact Canada
(IBFAN Canada)
- International Campaigns Office:
Hosted by Baby Milk Action