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"Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has."
Margaret MEAD, Anthropologist

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To join IBFAN, read entirely the section: “Who We Are?” to make sure that your aims fit in with IBFANs.

IBFAN cherishes the differences between the groups that make it up, believing that people themselves know how best they can contribute towards our common aims.

IBFAN values its independence and groups are required to give a written undertaking not to seek or accept funds, donations or sponsorship from the infant feeding and related products industry. IBFAN groups should aim to include a clause to this effect in their constitution or statutes. Click here for the IBFAN ´s Funding Policy.

Many IBFAN groups refuse any kind of commercial support as links between companies are not always obvious. In addition, our NGO partners working on other campaigns may have difficulties with a particular company and accepting funding from it may undermine their work. We cannot be too vigilant in this matter.

To get an application sheet for membership of the IBFAN Network, please contact your nearest Regional Coordinating Office.