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IBFAN – International Baby Food Action Network

Press Releases 2015

WHO: Unease over seconded philanthropic foundation staff to top management 

Geneva, 9 December (TWN) – Philanthropic foundations such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the United Nations Foundation have seconded their staffers to top management positions at the World Health Organization.

A UN Foundation staffer was placed in the office of the Director-General Dr. Margaret Chan as senior strategist (D1 level) for a 24-month contract this year.  One Gates Foundation staffer is seconded at P5 level as manager of program operations and cluster management at the Polio and Emergencies Cluster.Read more  


The Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2015 – Business of Malnutrition

New publication –   the Right to Food and Nutrition Watch 2o15


This includes three articles contributed by IBFAN.


  1. The Business of Malnutrition: The perfect public relations cover for big food  by Patti Rundall, Policy Director, Baby Milk Action, UK   Business of Malnutrition, RTF

  2. The Origins of ‘Multi-Stakeholderism’—Why Words Matter  by Lida Lhotska, IBFAN –GIFA  (inside the above article)

  3. Nutrition policies taken hostage by multinationals and conflicts of interest: the obesity and diabetes epidemic in Mexico by Marcos Arana Cedeño and Xaviera Cabada from IBFAN LAC Obesity in Mexico RTF Read more


WHO opens the doors wide to corporate influence, 68th World Health Assembly, UN Palais

Geneva 18th May 2015 : English , Spanish , Portuguese