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IBFAN – International Baby Food Action Network

Infant Feeding and HIV

  2. CDC HIV and Pregnant Women, Infants, and Children 2019
  3. HIV and Infant Feeding- Global Status of Policy and Programmes based on World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative assessment findings from 57 countries  – 2015
  4. HIVand Infant Feeding – An information booklet for policy and programme managers in India, 2013
  5. IBFAN Asia Position Statement on HIV and Infant Feeding – 2012
  6. Guideline on HIV and infant feeding  – 2010
  7. The study which has been published in the New England Journal Of Medicine – June 2010
  8. HIV and infant feeding Revised Principles and Recommendations Rapid Advice – November 2009
  9. Guidance on Infant feeding and HIV in the context of refugees and displaced populations – Version 1.1 NEW!! – June 2009
  10. Guidance on Infant Feeding and HIV in context of refugees and displaced populations  – 2008
  11. Quality of infant feeding counselling for HIV+ mothers in Brazil – 2007
  12. WHO HIV and IF Technical Consultation - October 2006
  13. Effect of Breastfeeding on Mortality among HIV-Infected Women – WHO statement – June 2001
  14. Saviours or culprits? HIV, infant feeding, and commercial interests. Article by Tessa Martyn published in The Health Exchange – April 2001